- Labor and Employment
Boston, MA 02110
Beginning on March 31st our Boston office will be located at: 2 Atlantic Avenue, Sixth Floor, Boston, MA 02110 |
Senior Counsel
An experienced labor and employment law attorney, Peter Berry represents management in public sector bargaining and before all state and many federal administrative tribunals. His past leadership in affordable housing and long public service to Acton complement this wide-ranging labor law practice and his representation of the Firm’s many municipal clients. When not lawyering, Peter is hiking, traveling, or doting on grandchildren.
Mr. Berry provides legal advice and representation to employers concerning all labor and employment/personnel issues; conducts labor negotiations with employee unions; represents public and private employers in initiating and defending litigation involving labor relations, employment and discrimination issues; provides training for employers and educational entities in all aspects of employment law; represents management entities in labor relations/employment litigation before Massachusetts and Federal Courts, the American Arbitration Association, the Massachusetts Labor Relations Commission, the Civil Service Commission, the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, and the Joint Labor/Management Committee; and advocates management interests with the Massachusetts legislature.
Mr. Berry has represented management interests in both traditional and interest-based bargaining with unions representing police, fire, dispatch and other public safety personnel, employees of public works departments, custodians, clerical employees, teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals.
Mr. Berry holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from University of Massachusetts and Juris Doctorate from New England Law.
Boston, MA 02110